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Early Intervention - KIDS Program
Residential Services
Right Track Screening
West River Head Start
West River Produce
HIT, Inc. provides residential services to people with intellectual disabilities who have various needs for support. Settings include residential homes and apartments.
Living in any of the settings where HIT provides services allows for independence so life can be enjoyed, dreams realized and personal goals obtained while being with HIT's remarkable employees.
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) and Residential Habilitation (Formerly MSLA)
ICF/IID and Residential Habilitation services are provided in group home residential settings in Bismarck and Mandan. Services at these sites are individualized to the person's needs. 24-hour assistance is provided that is least restrictive and yet gives support where it is needed.
Located in Bismarck
ICF/IID - 2 children's homes
Residential Habilitation - 2 adult homes
Located in Mandan
ICF/IID - 1 children's home
ICF/IID - 7 adult homes
Residential Habilitation - 2 adult homes
​Family Support Services - In Home Supports
Family Support Services - In Home Supports is a program that offers supports to families in their homes by assisting with caring for a member of the family. This program also provides respite care to families by offering staff support while family members are away from the home.
Independent Habilitation (Formerly ISLA)
Independent Habilitation services consist of individual or integrated settings in apartments or houses. People are supported in their own apartments with as many or as few hours of direct staff assistance necessary for them to succeed in the community.
Supported Living Arrangement (SLA)
Supported Living Arrangement is a program that offers supports to people who need intensive program coordination services.
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